Every time I make this hot fudge sauce, I think of a couple sisters who have been my friends since our teens. I think they call it “Natalie’s Famous Hot Fudge Sauce” but I just call it GOOD! I especially like that it requires ingredients that I already have on hand. Thanks, Natalie and Kathy, for sharing this decadent treat!
1 c sugar
6 T cocoa
3 T corn starch
1 c water
Mix ingredients and microwave on high for 3-4 minutes, stirring a couple times.
Add 4 T butter
2 t vanilla
Microwave at 30-45 second intervals until hot and thick.
Serve over vanilla ice cream. Ooooo, yum!
For more ice cream and sauce recipes, check out Premeditated Leftovers’ Frozen Dessert Round Up.
Natalie will be glad to see that I'm getting partial credit for a recipe that is ALL hers. haha! I have a way of "stealing" her recipes and claiming them as my own….similar to how I used to raid her closet back in jr. high. When I make this I pretty much want to skip the ice cream and just have a bowl of this warm, wonderful stuff!!! Yum-O!
from one "little sister" to another, Kathy, I remember well the days in junior high that I would browse Pam's closet, put something on, and then begin the pleading to borrow it. She was so long suffering!
I have been looking for a homemade choco sauce recipe. I'll have to give this a try.
Yep, pretty decadent. I'm licking my lips right now from the delicious hot fudge sundae. Thanks! (I made it with milk…I should make two batches next time…one w/water and one w/milk and compare!).